Minggu, 03 Januari 2010


Got curious with this beads' source, from all those friends' stories, I was then (suddenly) decided went to Sukabumi to find out what was the place exactly. Accompanied by my lovely husband, sister-in-law, 2 lovely daughters and the loyal maid, we drove to Sukabumi from our house in Cipanas.

The trip was so challenging. We were surrounded by some hard-rains, which made us difficult to ask the map with villagers. Gathered by thick fogs and bumper to bumper traffic jamps in some certain points, I was fought with patient and temptation (what??? he3x). Eventually, not so much people knows about this gemstones store we were head to, hence some of them were mis-leaded us to nowhere. So frustrated!!!

After several hours driving (4 hours perhaps), we stopped at a raw gemstones mining and ask whether they know something about the source we were looking for. He mentioned a village called ANCAEN on the way to SARAGANTEN and gave us a raw map to work with. The second journey were began!! Again .... hard rains attacked, a trip was so tempted as it was like climbing a mountain upon a very tight road and badly need somebody who could drive smoothly and professionally. When the rain getting harder, we stopped in front of a biker, and I was definitely shocked in what he tried to explain. The mentioned village, ANCAEN, in fact, STILL 30km ahead and more climbs than expected.

I decided to stop and returned. Alhamdulillah, on the way home, still in Sukabumi area, we met 2 gemstones small shops which I'd like to share with all of you. They are :

Jl. Raya Gentong Lenggensari Km 5.8
Sukaraja - Sukabumi
Phones: (0266) 260756
Uce Dudi Hidayat - Mobile (0815) 6317-2376

Jl. Raya Gentong Langgensari Km 5.8
Sukaraja - Sukabumi
Phone: (0266) 261195
Asep Suhendra - Mobile (0815) 6070-765

Both shops are nearby in fact. Hence, above all, I felt happy that I had a chance visited them covering the before-failed journey.

Well, hopefully someday, I'll have a chance to try again.......

Annie Nugraha

11 komentar:

Diah Ekarini mengatakan...

sukabuminya di sebelah mana mba?:D

Bunda "Shafa" mengatakan...

borong banyak nih......liat dong

samsiah iah mengatakan...

iya mba, di sebelah mana? kali aja kalo nanti pas kesana bisa mampir :)

achmad irfan mengatakan...


Rina safrina mengatakan...

Ya ampun Nieeee.. Busyet dah! Bkn ngiler aja..

Heri Rusmiyati mengatakan...

waaaa.. mau...

Almitra Pranawingtyas mengatakan...

wow... ayiknya.... (ngiler)

orlane orlane mengatakan...

mbaaaakkkk.. cakep2 tuh keliatannya.. banyak yg ungu pula!!!

Andi Lia Emilia mengatakan...

Jd pengin ikut...Sukabumi nya dimana?

Hertati Natasuminta mengatakan...

hehehehehe......bukan main......., harga?......................

Budi Leksmana mengatakan...

koq ga mampir mba Nie, sy jg disana.. Cuma di sentra pengrajinnya.. Ancaen nya Betul .. Buat kwn2 Wiremans & Wiregirls juga sobat2 Jewelller senior, mampir yaa.. Kan bisa telf dulu biar ga nyasar alias mabal jalannya:
Rmh : 0266 341637 Or
Mob : 0858 6389 8391
Pasti sampe deh.. Mba Rien dari Semarang ada Rencana koq ke Sukabumi.. Ditunggu Pisan Hunter Batunya.