Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

LanAdis Flower Clay Pendant

I dedicated this Pendant to my two lovely friends Sri Wulan (FB Wulan Pelita Craft) and Gadis Meutiar Sunarko (FB Gadis Meutiar / Palem Blink Blink).

Wulan, thanks for adapting my design and concept into a very very nice cabochon clay. It is indeed exactly copied my sratchs, even though we just shared the idea through bbm and none pencils were working on our last discussions. Your damn talented !!

Gadis, thanks for picturing the weaving idea into my mind. Those were actually simple and not complicated but I did try to have something in same line with what you've done to the pendant you've given to me. Thanks dear!!

Hope you're all enjoying the 2 wire workers and 1 clayers (if I may say this for Wulan) touch of art!!

6 komentar:

Ina Setiyowati NBS mengatakan...

cantik sekali, n unik karena biasanya bagian tengahnya batu, sedangkan ini clay

nea fit mengatakan...

mbak anie beli clay sperti ini di mana? tks infonya

Yustin & Sita mengatakan...


Annie Nugraha mengatakan...

makasih Ina ... mencoba eksplorasi dengan bahan mentah yg lain ... buat variasi biar gak bosen juga

Annie Nugraha mengatakan...

coba liat di FB ku, temen namanya Wulan Pelita Craft ....

Annie Nugraha mengatakan...

makasih Sita/Yustin, baru coba2 inih ..entar pengen nyobain dengan shape dan aplikasi berbeda ...